NARUTO Shinden Series (2018)
Naruto Shinden is a light novel series which began publication with Konoha Shinden: Steam Ninja Scrolls in 2016, but was not formalized until it was relaunched with three additional novels that were released from May to July 2018, to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Shueisha Jump jBooks. Konoha Shinden was originally meant to be part of a series that would help bridge Naruto and Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, but the 2018 relaunch shifted focus the two generations of parents and children.
(Source: Naruto Wikipedia)
- Naruto Shinden: Parent and Child Day (ナルト新伝 親子の日); 2018/5/2
Adapted into the Parent and Child Day arc in the Boruto anime, consisting of episodes 93 to 95. - Sasuke Shinden: The Teacher's Star Pupil (サスケ新伝 師弟の星); 2018/6/4
Takes place sometime after the Versus Momoshiki arc of the Boruto series. - Shikamaru Shinden: A Cloud Dancing in Forlorn Falling Petals (シカマル新伝 舞い散る華を憂う雲); 2018/7/4
Adapted from the Mujina Bandits arc of the Boruto manga, consisting of chapters 11 to 15, which were later adapted into episodes 148 to 151 of the Boruto anime.