NARUTO Retsuden Series
Naruto Retsuden is a light novel series which was released from June to October 2019. Unlike previous series of novels, the three Naruto Retsuden novels are all written by Jun Esaka, causing plot details to carryover between novels far more heavily.
- Kakashi Retsuden: The Sixth Hokage and the Failure Boy (六代目火影と落ちこぼれの少年); 2019/6/4
- Sasuke Retsuden: The Uchiha Descendants and the Heavenly Stardust (うちはの末裔と天球の星屑); 2019/8/2
- Naruto Retsuden: Naruto Uzumaki and the Spiral Destiny (うずまきナルトと螺旋の天命); 2019/10/4